As earth observation technology has advanced, so has the ability to assess the geography of an area using satellite imagery. This, alongside glacial retreat and other processes, has led to a number of place names needing a slight update!
During the latest update to the South Shetland Islands 1:200,000 map in 2019, a few sites were revealed to be different features than were initially thought. Gooden Point (61°59′ S, 58°32′20″ W) on King George Island was found to actually be an island, having previously been identified as a point. This feature was named after K.R. Gooden, Base Leader at Admiralty Bay in 1951. Similarly, on Robert Island, Kitchen Point was originally named Punta Labb by the CAE and later named Kitchen Point after Capt. Joseph Kitchen, master of the sealing ship Ann, who visited the South Shetland Islands in 1821-22. It has been identified as an island in the latest coastline update.
The South Shetland Islands 1:200,000 map is available from the British Antarctic Survey Mapping and Geographic Information Centre.